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10 Ways to Successful Facebook Marketing

Publisched on
26. September 2021

Facebook marketing is one of the essential tools that every business owner can use to grow their business. Like many other leading social media platforms, Facebook is a fantastic hub that collates many active users. To vigorously market your business on Facebook, you need to understand its unique positioning and how it differs from other platforms. Various media have their etiquettes, and one should not use the same marketing strategy for print on media and vice versa. 

In the same light, you are not to market your business on Facebook the same way you do on other social media platforms.

Facebook is one of the largest audience capacity social media apps and a great place for startups to explore a broader client base. It is ranked as the world's most visited social media platform and encourages quick engagement.

Appealing content is one strategy every business owner should possess. The Facebook hub drives traffic to accounts with value-adding content that is fresh and relatable. 

Your business goal should be to reach as many target audiences as possible. 

Everyone cannot be among the list of your key customers, but the bigger, the better.

Facebook offers unique marketing tools to help you discover your key customers and put your product right in front of them. For maximum optimization, you should consider using as many tools as possible.

If you are looking to use your Facebook platform to grow your business, this guide is definitely for you.

Facebook has created a wide range of subsections that helps bring together individuals, businesses, and organizations from across the globe. From Facebook pages to the countless groups and powerful advertising tools, its advantages cannot be over-emphasized. A solid online presence on Facebook can help your brand gain the stability it needs for intending prospects to patronize your business.

Starting can be a challenge owing to the numerous tools available for business optimization. Below are six powerful ways to everyone that is looking to make progress should follow. 

1. Create an attractive business page

It is always advisable to keep whatever has to do with your business professional. In other words, this means you should have a separate business page from your account.

A page is like a website, but the only difference is that it is hosted on your account. It contains details about your brand, what you do, and how best your target audience can get to you. 

Unlike friend requests, a prospective client can either like or follow your page. And that is why it has to be well organized to wield enough power to attract and retain them when they come around.

It is noteworthy that brands cannot keep tabs on your updates unless they follow our business page.

You might be wondering what setting up a business page entails; these are the easy steps to follow.

  • Sign up

Most of us have plausibly signed up for one thing or the other on social media, and this isn’t any different. You can either sign up with your page or start the entire process from scratch.

When you visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/create, click on the type of page you want to create. Next, fill in the available fields, such as name, category, page description, and click the 'create' page.

  • Add photos

Pictures increase your brand credibility, so ensure to upload a profile picture and a cover photo. Most preferably with your business logo. It is essential to use high-quality pictures. The reason is that it will give your page a feel of professionalism. Using dull or blurry pictures makes your page look outdated, and this is not a healthy first impression for your prospects. Once you have decided on what photo to use, click on the 'save' option.

  • Create a username

 A username gives your business identity. Just like your personal name, your username is how your clients will source for you on Facebook. Your username should be similar to your business name to avoid the confusion of redirecting them to other accounts with a similar name. Once this step is done, you'll automatically see @create username just below the page name; click on it to create and save.

  • Enter your information

 Facebook is enriched with many page customization options. It's crucial to attach as much information as possible about your business. These may range from your business name, contact, address, website, business hours, products, e.t.c. Creating a description of what your product or business is about is equally important. 

Adding other categories will help your brand gain more visibility in relevant search results. Using keywords is a necessary strategy when creating your page. This serves as an indicator to Facebook and readers on what your page is all about.

  • Tell your story

There is nothing as involving as a story. Although you may have filled out relevant fields during registration, giving a background story about your business or product is essential.

  • Create your first post

A page without a post that is attractive to its target audience will not only look unserious but will also be ignored by many. It is essential to make at least two to five posts on your page before inviting people to follow or like the page. Your first post on your page could be a simple introductory message, picture, video to a link, or anything that you feel may resonate with your brand.

2. Post regularly on your page

There is no key ingredient for business growth as consistency. Using a Facebook business page is only effective if you post regularly and respond to comments, questions, and reactions on your post. This prompt response gives your followers the feeling that they can relate to your brand. It is vital to post things that are of good quality content.

It is advisable to share behind-the-scenes information and photos about your product. This will exhibit transparency before your followers. 

Experimenting between posts can give you the insight that you need to know what your customers like, especially when you are still getting to know your target audience. Using the Facebook poll can also be a great tool to determine what your audience is interested in seeing. Facebook insight is a free tool for all businesses. It shows valuable information, such as how many people are reacting to your post and its reach.

The Facebook publishing tool is another alternative for extremely busy people. It can be used to schedule your posting routine. It helps you streamline your posting process. 

3. Engage your followers 

The Facebook algorithm favors a post that has great audience engagement. So before you post, you need to ask yourself if your post will create adequate audience engagement it needs. As the means implies, Facebook is a social media platform, so you should keep your activities social. Although, it’s a business page. Respond to questions, concerns, and contributions of your followers.

4. Leverage friends of fans 

People are likely to try out a product or service if someone they know has used it and can attest to it. Polls and answering questions asked by your followers can foster interaction. Your customers are your best advocates, so ensure they are saying the right things.  Humans are lovers of gifts, encourage more profile visits by giving a small discount to anyone who does. Give away is also a great way to increase profile visits and followership. 

5. Give Facebook ads a try

If your brand is having issues growing fans organically, you should give the Facebook ad a try. There is no difference between a regular post and a promoted post, except that a sponsored post targets more audience and reaches more people.

6. Start your own Facebook group

 There is nothing as interesting as building your online community around your products and services. These groups may be directly related to your business or channeled around a cause relevant to your business.

Post your group's content on other groups to get visibility and traffic.

For doing this, we highly recommend you utilize our Tool GP Group Poster.

7. Use other Facebook Marketing Features to grow your business network

These features include Facebook live, Facebook video, Facebook stories.

Facebook Live is a form of video call that enables all your users who tune in to your call to view what is happening at the moment around your business environment. 

  • Facebook video

Video consumption is one of Facebook viewer's favorites. You can leverage this tool to get your content in front of your prospective clients.

  • Facebook stories

This is a user feed that disappears after 24hours of upload. People are constantly interested in original and innovative, so post as often as possible to keep your audience informed, entertained, and engaged.

8. Have a working plan

Adequate and effective planning helps you know what is next to accomplish.  

Organize your posts in a calendar that should be monitored by you or any of your team of experts. This also helps you recognize and celebrate important holidays, sales announcements, e.t,c.

9. Grow your business in real life

 As much as you want your followers to be the most active Facebook users, you should also consider facebook marketing activities that boost your page while your followers are on their phones or computers. 

10 Create a natural human voice for your business

The best forms of content to read sound natural like you are having a normal conversation. It is equally vital to cut down on numerous technical jargon, as your target audience may not be experts in your field.


Every business requires patience, hard work, and consistency. Your Facebook page is an arm of your business growth tools and should be treated with premium dedication. Apply the recommended Facebook Marketing Strategies in this article and keep track of all the activities performed on your page. Thanks for reading. 

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