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Facebook Groups Guide: How To Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Group

Publisched on
10. June 2021

Facebook Tools to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Group

Today’s online marketer’s tasks are never-ending. They are constantly developing on strategies, and there’s never enough time. Running a Facebook group might be very time consuming if you are not efficient with it.

Thankfully, Facebook provides you with several tools and features so that you can engage with your group in the most efficient way possible. Let’s see what these are, in no particular order of importance.

  • Create rules for the group

You should use this feature to let new and existing members know the rules of the group. Generally, most groups do not allow members to spam the group with affiliate links or contact other group members.

The whole point of declaring rules is to ensure that people in your group act well with each other and use common sense. The rules make things clear because common sense is not a flower that grows in everyone's garden.

  • Schedule your posts

It would be best if you schedule 7 to 14 posts in your Facebook group. The Facebook scheduler will automatically post your content daily at the time you specify in the settings. This will ensure that there’s fresh content in your group daily.

The FB post scheduler will save you a ton of your work time. All you’ll need to do daily is spend 10 minutes looking at the notifications to ensure that your group is in order. You won’t need to make posts because the posting schedule will take care of it.

  • Enable notifications for your group

Ideally, it would be best to have notifications turned on for member's posts and member requests. This allows you to stay on top of things and approve new members quickly before they lose interest.

Turning on notifications will also help you keep your group free of spammy posts and spammers (whom you'll remove ASAP). In any group, there will be the occasional spammer or two. Being on top of things will help you weed them out.

  • Ask qualifying questions

One of the features of Facebook groups is that it allows you to ask members who wish to join your group a few questions before you approve them. This will enable you effectively separate the wheat from the unwanted chaff.

Many tire kickers around join hundreds of groups just for its fun and engage in none. By asking qualifying questions, you’ll be able to discern if someone is the right fit for your group. Try not to ask too many questions. 2 or 3 will suffice.

  • Make use of the description.

Write a description that uses a popular keyword or two to help with discoverability. You should also have a link pointing to your blog. Ideally, the link should point to a landing page where you giveaway a freemium to encourage people to join your list. It would be best if you always were building your list.

  • Use the announcements feature.

If you have new and important posts, you can mark them as announcements and pin the post to the group's top. This will ensure that all members who log into the group will see these pinned posts first. It helps to keep things fresh and relevant.

  • Check out your Facebook group insights.

Facebook provides a lot of data about engagement in your group, best-performing posts, and so on. Studying these analytics will help you understand your group better and know what the people want.

Then it is simply a concern of giving them more appealing content that suits their needs, and you’ll also know if there are any pending member requests and how many were blocked or rejected.

  • Link your Facebook page to your Facebook group

Linking your page to your group will allow you to reply to questions and comments on the page. This overcomes the limitation of a group where people know you’re the admin, and the whole thing may seem too personal for your liking.

With a Facebook business page linked to the group, you can appear more professional. Click on the preferred business page from (your profile home screen) to link the page to the group.

Once you get to the page, on the left side, you’ll see a column. Look down the column until you find the ‘groups’ tab. Then click on it.

The 7 Vital Steps to Increase Facebook Group Members Engagement

Facebook Group

The progress or downfall of a Facebook group solely depends on a few factors. Still, all have a common denominator – the responsibility of making a group engaged and happy falls squarely on the creator of the group and the admins (to some extent).

Below you'll find some tips to heighten the engagement of your Facebook group so that you can manage your group info, entertain and create engagement inside your community. Once done right, people will enjoy being a member of your group and look ahead to receiving notifications of your daily posts.

Engage with Your Group Members

Social media, at its core, is all about engagement. If you want to succeed with your group, you must be engaged in it. Engage in discussions, reply to questions, like posts and comment, by providing advantages and value to your Group Members.

The engagement with your group members will help to forge not only loyalty but friendships. Do not build a Facebook group on the base to sell anything to people because selling should always seem like a reconsideration, not an overriding attraction.

Entertainment above all

Most people get on Facebook to be inspired and entertained; indeed, they are not on Facebook to learn or purchase anything. They want some exciting and fun stuff to amuse themselves. This explains the popularity of cat videos.

While your Facebook group is about a niche topic and you have lots of information to distribute, your goal should be to wrap the information with a dose of entertainment. Entertainment through providing the information is anywhere these days, so it is vital to give people what they want.

  1. Quizzes, Questions, Surveys & Polls

Create polls, quizzes, and surveys, questions about topics that animate the discussion. People love contributing and giving their conclusions and advice. It makes them feel valuable.

By examining their input, you'll make them feel valuable and admired. This is one of the best ways to increase engagement.

  1. Use different modalities

Different people prefer different types of content; some prefer articles while others prefer videos; some may love infographics, while some may like audio.

When making posts, try and offer content in different formats so that you appeal to a broader audience and there’s something for everyone.

Ideally, the primary purpose is to apply more visuals and less text. People love images and videos. Using quotes is another very effective method to grab attention and enhance engagement.

Ask the crowd to give the post a like if they agree with it. As foolish as it may seem to the more serious person, these engagement-styled posts work. Text Content can seem tedious and monotonous if the writing is not enjoyable to read.

  1. It’s all about the value.

Always seek to deliver value by putting yourself in the members’ shoes. What do you think they want? What will help them in their journey?

Once you understand your audience and provide them helpful content, they will appreciate it and consequently love your group. You may also invite them to leave a comment below a post to tell you if they liked it or if they have any topic ideas related to the content. This will increase engagement.

People need to be Invited to engage. Please don't leave it to them to do it on their own. You must seek engagement proactively.

  1. Welcoming new members

Most Facebook Groups do this, and it serves to improve engagement – but it’s not necessary. If too many members join, it can be a hassle to keep track and welcome them.

Posts welcoming new members often hardly get any likes, even when the members are tagged to the post. Most people mainly feel uncomfortable introducing themselves to a new group and prefer to hide around and occasionally engage until they're heated up.

So, it’s up to you if you wish to use this technique. You could give it a try and see if it works for you.

  1. Storytelling

Applying storytelling in your posts is Extremely effective if you know how to do it properly. Everyone enjoys a good and inspiring story. You should lengthen a story if it's interesting – but it also can't be too long.

Next, format your text and cut up vast chunks of text. Learn how to tell exciting stories, and you will keep your members hooked.

These seven methods are effective and will increase engagement in your Facebook group if you do them adequately. Practice them frequently and analyze your Facebook group insights to know which posts your member love and to give them more of such posts.

Slowly but surely, you’ll build a tribe that’s on the same page as you and regularly engages in the group. Now you all can help each other to progress in the niche.

Conclusion: The features and methods mentioned in this article will help you run your Facebook group much more effortlessly and engage professionally with your members. Multiple marketers who create and run groups don’t even know about these features and methods, therefore they waste precious time and energy trying to keep it all together.

But you know better now. So, use the above tips to maintain a high level of engagement in your group and get the most out of it – while saving time and effort in the process.

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